Mzansi Magic’s flagship telenovela The Queen has announced an influx of talent joining the cast. Amongst others is Emmy-nominated actress Brenda Ngxoli who makes her debut this week. Brenda takes on the role of NomaPrincess ‘Noma’ Matshikiza who has baggage and owes Harriet Khoza (played by Connie Ferguson) R10 Million.
Their friendship dates back to their Hillbrow days. It was a trio of Dolly, Noma and Harriet joined by Kgosi who were turning tricks in the city of gold. When Harriet married Mzi, Noma went her way and married an upcoming politician Charles Matshikiza who had a short-lived career, before venturing into construction with Noma in the late 1990s.
Winning a 2010 World Cup stadium construction tender would be a poisoned chalice for Noma and her husband. They needed cash to bankroll the start of the project. After much persuasion by Harriet, a reluctant Mzi makes the Matshikizas an R10 million loan, only for them never to pay it back and disappear from the face of the earth while living it up. Noma meets Harriet for the first time since 2008, and she’s not the high-flyer she used to be. With such a heavy debt hanging over her head, will Harriet welcome her back into her life? A leopard never changes its spots, but can a snake be trusted?
In an interview with Channel 24, the ecstatic 9X SAFTA nominee revealed that this is her first telenovela, however, this is not the first time she works with Ferguson Films. Brenda played Gladys on the Ferguson Films production, Rockville and went on to secure her first SAFTA for the role.
Other actors who also joined The Queen Season 5 include Rapulana Seiphemo, Kenneth Nkosi, Jessica Nkosi and Ntando Duma and Menzi Ngubane whose debut has been delayed due to his ill health.
The Queen airs every weeknight 9PM on DSTV Channel 161
Image : Mzansi Magic
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