Actress Zola Nombona has joined BET’s original daily drama Isono. The Lockdown star joins the Clive Morris Production to portray the character Zoleka Sigcawu. Zoleka is intelligent, unapologetically ambitious, and confident – a lethal combination that has driven her to kick open doors and take lead in a male-dominated industry, as the head of a sports channel, Ultrasport.
Zoleka has a secret affair with former football player Makwande (played by Anga Makubalo) and she hires him as a sports analyst without disclosing their relationship to the board of directors at the channel, and soon enough, their romance becomes a source of tension, not just because they’re forced to hide their feelings for each other in public, but also because Makwande is still in love with his ex-girlfriend and superstar musician Esther (played by Didintle Khunou) – daughter of undercover gang boss Mary (played by Nthati Moshesh).
While Isono is her first telenovela, she has acted on numerous production. She played business graduate-turned-gangster, Roxanne, in the action drama show Z’bondiwe and convict Monde in the Mzansi Magic prison drama series Lockdown.
Isono airs every Monday- Thursday on BET Africa DSTV Channel 129 at 9:30 PM CAT.
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