Best known for his character on Mzansi Magic’s Isithembiso, Zamani has bagged a new acting gig. The young and vibrant Zamani joins Rhythm City to play the character of Pule Ndlovu who is Suffocate’s (played by Mduduzi Mabaso) adoptive son.
Pule’s return will spark a lot of nostalgic chord with many of the show’s fans as they take a trip down memory lane setting back to 2010. That marked the year when Pule (previously played by Thembalethu Ntuli) dissapeared from the screens and headed to KZN where he ultimately received private education.
His return will immediately spark intrigue with his presence catching Khulekani’s (played by Mcedisi Shabangu) eye and later the young lad will have an encounter with Pearl (played by Petronella Tshuma) who are Suffocate’s biggest rivals. Zamani makes his debut on Rhythm City tonight 18 November.
Rhythm City airs weeknights 7PM on etv.
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