The upcoming season of the popular telenovela series Smoke & Mirrors will feature a significant cast change as actor Hlomla Dandala replaces long-time star Zolisa Xaluva in the lead role of Ceaser Ngonyama. Zolisa, who has portrayed the ruthless businessman for the past season, currently leads Mzansi Magic’s new drama series Code 13, playing the no-nonsense Jozi detective Bheki Ndlovu.
Hlomla is a seasoned actor who has a reputation for bringing depth and nuance to his characters, with his most recent role being on the cancelled 1 Magic’s The River as Police Commissioner Zweli Dikana. His portrayal of Ceaser is eagerly anticipated by fans, eager to see how he will interpret the role and breathe new life into the beloved character. He will make his first on-screen appearance tonight.
“This is an exciting challenge for me, the character of Caesar is loved by our viewers, my aim is to please and ensure that I deliver as a performer. Playing a villainous character such as Caesar will surely bring the best out of me. But more than anything I’m excited to be back with the eFamily and I look forward to a real joyride as we enter the second season of the show”, said Dandala.
Selecting Hlomla as our new Caesar was a no- brainer, it just makes sense. As a broadcaster we are happy to have him back on the channel and we hope our viewers are just as excited as we are.
Dithapelo Segodi,’s Executive Producer
Smoke & Mirrors airs weeknights on at 9 P.M
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