“As an independent artist, taking full ownership of my music has always been a key priority for me.”
Vuxokoxoko bya nkosi wa khale holobye Tito Mboweni byi tivisiwa.
“I am known for being real, and this time will be no different.”
“Hi gome lerikulu ndyangu wa ka Mboweni wu tivisa ku hundza emisaveni ka khale ka holobye wa Reserve Bank na holobye wa timali Tito Titus Mboweni.”
“After almost 25 years on the sideline, I could not be more excited to get involved in a project like this.”
“Soft Life is a forward-thinking show where we are dealing with everyday issues happening in society, holding up a mirror to the public.”
“Viewers can continue to see her on screen.”
“We are authors now, in real time.”
“There’s a good chance that Africa’s film industry is about to have its own global moment.”
Production is expected to start in 2025.